Webmaster: Gerald Case

Copyright © 2010-2023 Green Valley R/C Flyers.  All Rights Reserved.

A.M.A. Charter


We are a radio controlled (RC) aircraft club in Southern Arizona. Our purpose is to further the sport of radio controlled model aviation. Our members fly electric, nitro, and gas powered planes and aero-towed gliders.  We don’t have helicopter facilities.  We provide and maintain two flying sites in the Green Valley area:

FICO is a flying field within the Pecan Groves that we use with permission from the owners, Farmers Investment Company.

Twin Buttes is a field that we lease on the property of Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold.  

Contact our club at [email protected] for general information or for directions to our flying fields.

Please see the Meetings and About Us pages for more information about our club.  You can also find out how to join our club on the Join page.

Click here to view and/or print our club’s brochure.  It contains more detail than can fit here.

Who are we?

Meeting:  Monday, July 11, 2016, 7 PM, at the La Posada Recreation Center

New club member:  Richard Tonkovich joined the club on June 7, 2016.  He specializes in ¼ scale electric planes and is completing an Extra 260 which he expects to be flying with us shortly.  

Twin Buttes Flying Field Expansion:   

FICO Flying Field:  FICO Management told us that they have no plans to use the acreage where we are flying.  It cannot be irrigated again for agriculture.  The field is safe until the Sahuarita Long Range Plan allows housing development in 40-50 years. NOTE: This doesn’t give us permission to fly over the orchard or mulching operations.

Rural Metro Ambulance Insurance: Pays for ambulance charges that are not covered by the patient’s medical policy.  Please click here for more information.  Updated 01/19/2016.  
