Webmaster: Gerald Case

Copyright © 2010-2024 Green Valley R/C Flyers.  All Rights Reserved.

A.M.A. Charter


Annual dues for 2025 for new members are: $40 initiation fee plus $15 per quarter or fraction thereof.  For a full year, the total is $100.  For April 15 (2nd Qtr) they are $40 + 2 *$15 = $70.00 . For renewing members the dues were increased to $60.

The dues are reset each year.  

New members:

1. To join our club you must be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA).  They provide insurance for you and the field owners, as well as an informative monthly magazine. Click here to access the AMA online membership form.

2. You should register as a RECREATIONAL drone pilot (https://faadronezone.faa.gov/#/) and take the TRUST test  (https://www.modelaircraft.org/trust).

3. Contact our club at [email protected] to discuss our membership requirements, flying fields, and your training requirements.

4. Print out and complete our Club Membership Form.  Or else pick up a form at a club meeting, or from an officer at one of our flying fields.

5.  Come to one of the Club Meetings to meet us, submit your completed application, and pay your dues.  Or else mail your application and payment to the address printed on the form, or give them  to a club officer at one of our flying fields

6. After your AMA membership is confirmed, you will be issued an ID badge for access to our flying fields for flying.

Making changes to your membership data:

Send an e-mail to our club address with your first name, last name, and any changes to be made to your personal data.
